Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rosemary Turkey & Egg Grilled Breakfast Sandwich

This grilled breakfast sandwich is super easy, quick and delicious. Throw this together in less than 10 minutes pair it with a side of fruit for a well balanced breakfast and great start to the day!

1/4 C. liquid egg whites
2 oz Turkey Deli meat (I like Dietz and Watson gourmet lite)
1/8 C. shredded mozzarella cheese reduced fat
1 Flatout bread- rosemary and olive oil
dash of rosemary, salt and pepper


1.Season egg whites with rosemary, salt and pepper whisk with a fork
2.Spray small skillet with olive oil and heat on medium heat
3.Pour in eggs and cook until liquid is gone, watch the temperature you may need to reduce to keep egg from burning. (trick- keep a little water handy to pour around the edges. It creates steam and cooks the egg faster)
4. Place cooked egg on flatout bread, add turkey, sprinkle with cheese and fold in half
5. Grill for about 1 minute on each side. I use a panini maker but you could use a George Foreman grill or do it the old fashioned way with a skillet or you could even stick it in the toaster oven until the cheese melts. Basically heat it up however you want just long enough for the cheese to melt.

Nutrition Info
Servings: 1
Calories: 223
Fat: 5g
Carbs: 21g
Fiber: 3g
Protein: 25g

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