Monday, December 2, 2013

Holiday survival tip: put it on a plate

So this time of year is full of lots of
fun festivities and parties and it also means lots of food. So I decided for the month of December I am going to post holiday survival tips.

First Tip...

something I've learned about myself is that if I just graze and eat a little bite here and there I end up eating way more than if I would have just made myself a plate. 

This holiday season go ahead and indulge a little but don't just graze put it on a plate! If you are aware of how much you are eating you will eat less. Trust me a small slice of dessert is much less than 20 bites. If your not hungry enough to make yourself a plate of food your not hungry enough for a bite. Just be aware of how much you are eating and don't overdo it. You didn't work hard all year to to set yourself back at Christmas.

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