Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Have you ever googled the meaning of a word that you know exactly what it means? I sometimes do that with common words or phrases when I'm in deep thought. Today being January 1st, I've heard and seen "Happy New Year" all day and of course being in the fitness industry I've seen lots of goal setting and New Year's resolutions for healthier and fitter 2015. So as I'm thinking what does it really mean to have a Happy New and how does that apply to my goal setting for this year? So I googled the meaning of the words that make up the common phrase.

So this is my conclusion when you say, "Happy New Year" you are saying that the next 365 days are not old but they are recently born, built or created and they are going to be filled with enjoyment because of your situation. So when I think about the concept of resolutions for the New Year I'm filled with such great hope and optimistic because it can be anything I make it to be. I have the chance to create an amazing year and build something great. Now adding the concept of New Year's Resolutions with Happy New Year.  If a resolution is resolving something or finding a solution, it makes the assumption their is a problem to be solved or resolved. So if we are looking to make a new year's resolution maybe we should start with looking at what we need to fix or if there is not a problem how can we improve? We should stop throwing around resolutions that may or may not fix the problem or improve our situations. Let us look deeper and find the route cause(s) so we can create real solutions and make 2015 a year filled with enjoyment and to not only build a great year but a great life. This is my challenge to you. Take some time at the beginning of this new year to recognize areas that could use some improvement and take time to be honest with yourself and maybe even discover for the first time what the real problem is so you can come up with a real solution. Sometimes being honest with ourselves is the hardest thing to do but if we want to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be honesty is a necessity.

Have a Happy New Year!

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