Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Overcome Sweet Tooth Challenges with this Peanut Butter Cheesecake Dip

If you're like me, you might be a little challenged when it comes to saying no to dessert. I feel tempted after every meal to eat something sweet. It's like my brain is programmed to end a meal with something sweet. If I gave into this temptation every meal---well I'll not go there. Anyways, my solution to to avoid this temptation is to make my afternoon snack sweet. This helps me stay on course and I don't feel completely deprived. One of my go to snacks is an apple or banana with yogurt based dip. This particular fruit dip incorporates two things I LOVE and don't know that I could live without-cheesecake and peanut butter. Trust me you will forget you are even eating healthy, I promise.

So simple and so satisfying but how could something with peanut butter be anything less?

3/4 C. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 C. Non-fat Vanilla Greek Yogurt
1/4 C.Sugar free, fat free Cheesecake flavored pudding mix
1/4 C.PB2
1 T. Truvia or Stevia


Mix almond milk and pudding mix together until smooth add remaining ingredients and mix until smooth.

64 calories per serving, yields 6 servings.

This will last in the fridge for about a week- maybe longer but I don't know mine never last that long. Prepare ahead of time and have ready for the work week.

This stuff is so good sometimes I eat it with just a spoon! It's good with graham crackers too.

If are completely opposed to artificial sweeteners of any kind you can omit the almond milk and cheesecake flavoring and add 1/2 T cinnamon to make a peanut butter dip.

Enjoy!- Kristen

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